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Atlantic rowing record: Precious Lives Atlantic Challenge

Atlantic rowing record: Two men, one boat and over 300 miles rowed!  In August 2014 Chris Walters and Elliott Dale set a new world record for crossing the Atlantic in a modern ‘open class’ pairs boat. They rowed 3246 miles from New York to the Isles of Scilly, raising money for a Children’s Hospice.

Containerlift were pleased to have been a part of this amazing challenge, providing the UK container transportation with a Containerlift vehicle, shipping the container to New York, arranging the customs handling to get the container to New York and then back in the UK on its return.

Jamie McNeil, Organiser of this event said at the time:

“Containerlift have been an amazing help from start to finish. They made the whole process just that bit easier for me, took the stress away from organising the shipping etc. leaving me to concentrate on other aspects of this challenge.  The team at Containerlift are a pleasure to work with and I really can’t thank them enough.”

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