Shipping containers have become an integral part of global trade and logistics, ensuring goods move smoothly across continents.
However, not all containers carry mundane items. Occasionally, these steel boxes reveal astonishing and bizarre finds that captivate the imagination. This article delves into some of the strangest things ever discovered in shipping containers, showcasing the unpredictability of what can be hidden within these unassuming giants of transportation.
Shipping containers sometimes contain unexpected treasures or peculiar items, ranging from famous movie memorabilia to gruesome discoveries. This article explores some of the most bizarre finds in these containers, highlighting the variety and unpredictability of what people store and transport globally.
1. James Bond’s Submarine Car

One of the most famous discoveries inside a shipping container is the Lotus Esprit submarine car from the James Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me. In 1989, a Long Island contractor purchased a container for $100, only to find the iconic car inside. The car, though unable to drive on roads, retained its submarine capabilities. It was later authenticated by the Ian Fleming Foundation and sold at auction to Elon Musk for nearly $1 million (Container One) (Slapped Ham) (Flintham Cabins).
2. Illegal Weapons Shipment
In December 2013, customs officials in Sydney intercepted a container filled with illegal weapons. Among the items were tear gas canisters disguised as lipstick, stun guns that looked like iPhones, and pistols camouflaged as children’s toys. These Bond-style gadgets were part of a large consignment intended for the black market, highlighting the lengths smugglers will go to disguise their contraband (Container One) (Slapped Ham) (Flintham Cabins).
3. Human Remains
A more macabre discovery occurred in the 1990s when George Gennai of Seattle bought a storage unit at auction. Inside, he found the remains of Barbara Bender and her two children, who had been missing since 1980. The family had been murdered by Bender’s husband, who had then hidden their bodies in the container. This gruesome find underscores the dark uses some people find for these private storage spaces (Slapped Ham) (Slapped Ham).
4. An Underwater Ecosystem
After the container ship Med Taipei lost nine containers in a storm in 2004, one was later found on the seabed of Monterey Bay. It had become an artificial reef, teeming with marine life, including fish, coral, and algae. This unexpected transformation sparked research into the impact of submerged containers on marine ecosystems, illustrating a rare but positive outcome from shipping accidents (Container One) (Slapped Ham).
5. A Piece of the HMCS Athabaskan

John Wilson purchased a container to use as a bridge on his property, only to discover it contained a jet engine from the Canadian destroyer HMCS Athabaskan. Worth over $2 million at the time of production, the engine’s value had depreciated, but its discovery remains one of the more unusual and valuable items found in a container (Slapped Ham) (Flintham Cabins).
6. Mystery Radiation
In a routine check at an Italian port, customs officials detected high levels of radiation emanating from a container. Fearing the worst, they opened it to find a small piece of copper, which should not have emitted such high radiation levels. The source of the radiation remains a mystery, adding a layer of intrigue to the world of shipping containers (Container One) (Flintham Cabins).
7. A Burglar’s Worst Nightmare
In 2011, Ronald Dennis attempted to use shipping containers to stash stolen goods. His plan backfired when a security guard inadvertently locked him inside a container. He was discovered the next morning, much to his dismay and the amusement of the responding officers (Container One) (Slapped Ham).
The stories behind these shipping container finds range from the whimsical to the sinister, reflecting the diverse and sometimes surprising uses of these ubiquitous steel boxes. Whether as vessels for transporting illegal goods or accidental homes for marine life, shipping containers hold secrets that continue to fascinate and intrigue.
Call to Action
If you’re intrigued by the potential of shipping containers and want to explore their use for storage or other innovative applications, visit our website to learn more and discover how you can acquire a container for your needs.